The Jersey Vindicator

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Donate today to support independent, nonpartisan, investigative journalism in New Jersey. Our unique investigative and public-service journalism depends on reader support. Your tax-deductible gift gives our reporters the time, resources, and mandate to investigate wrongdoing, hold those in power accountable, and empower residents to drive positive change. Join other New Jerseyans in supporting this vital work.

The Jersey Vindicator is fiscally sponsored by The Tiny News Collective, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. You are donating to The Tiny News Collective, which will hold your gift in a restricted fund for the charitable purposes of The Jersey Vindicator but retains variance power in accordance with our fiscal sponsorship agreement with The Jersey Vindicator and FASB Statements 958-605-25-25 and -26. Donations to Tiny News Collective are tax-deductible as permitted by law. You should consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of your donation.
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