The Jersey Vindicator

Donate today to support Investigative journalism for the Garden State

Your contribution is a tangible commitment to a shared set of values about what journalism should be: nonpartisan and fact-driven. Every gift makes a difference, but monthly or annual recurring donations build long-term sustainability, helping us grow and prepare for the future.

Your donation helps:

• Pay journalists

• Fund public records requests

• Fight public records denials

• Provide investigative journalism training to our reporters

Choose an option below to make a secure online donation with a credit card. If you prefer to pay by check, please make your check payable to our fiscal sponsor, The Tiny News Collective, and write "Jersey Vindicator" on the memo line. Mail checks to: The Jersey Vindicator, P.O. Box 423, Princeton, NJ 08542.

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Local News Guardian

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New Jersey News Advocate

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Vindicator Circle

Donations of $500 and up.
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